Totally enclosed free standing structures containing Air Circuit Breakers, Moulded Case Circuit Breakers and Switch fuse units. Bus bars rated up to 5000 Amperes , with a maximum voltage of 600V AC or 250V DC.
Depending on requirement electrical distribution and building management controls are combined into a single factory assembled and wired integrated system.
Low Voltage Motor Control Centers (MCCs)
Our Motor Control Centers incorporate modular design and engineered to deliver dependable service.
Based on specific requirement, intelligent components, network communications and AC variable frequency drives are in corporated in the MCCs.
Low Voltage Bus Ducts
Bus Ducts are primarily used for connection between the Transformer and Switchgear.
We manufacture Bus Ducts ratings from 800A to 3200A with MS enclosures in non interleaved design.
Ratings 4000S and above are with non magnetic enclosures and interleaved bus bar design.
AMF and DG Synchronizing panels
Custom built for specific requirements, we manufacture various DG Control panels such as simple Auto Mains Failure Panels to complex panels like Auto Synchronizing and Auto load sharing panels for multiple DG sets.
PLCs are employed to reduce hardwiring and enhance reliable and fail safe performance.
Control and Relay Panels
For protection of costly equipment different types of protection relays are used. Combination of relays is used to achieve Complex protection for a specific scheme.
We manufacture control and relay panels for:
• Generator Protection
• Transformer Protection
• Bus Protection
• Feeder protection
• Motor protection
Total Quality:
We have a robust and proven quality assurance plan in place and in use.
Further our commitment to quality is validated every year by TUV through certification of Vmax management system as per ISO 9001 – 2000.
Our repeated clients stand a testimony to our commitment to quality.